counter Culture Charachter SERIES


We have recently moved my blog post series to our new platform and created a course so that everything is all in one place, and I have a more efficient way to serve today’s busy mom. This new app has been a vision in the making.


I am proud to say we now have several on-demand series to make it easier for moms to access and all pdf's in one place.

You can now access the entire Counter culture character course inside our new membership available immediately.

And, you can watch the video content right from your phone and as you complete the course series it will leave a spot where you left off- pdfs are.

Right now, this is the way to get access to the entire series.
1. Entire lesson
2. Pdf’s
3. Rachaels teaching video.

Our staff is working to set it up as a weekly email subscription drop to their inbox (text lesson only) on this series only. Please allow 1-2 weeks to get this going.

If you'd like to have the series that way, send me your email to and my team will get you going!!

Thanks again, Rachael

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Sunflowers & Me


7 steps to sanity